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发表于 2009-10-29 01:45:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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) A2 N- K/ P9 K5 k; y6 u
你是我永远的救主.ppt (15.5 KB, 下载次数: 5932) ! Z# }9 u# Q3 @

) R  Z5 R! J/ B7 I1 H我看见他钉痕的手 我看见他血为我流 $ e! u/ M, c, e% u0 q; E1 h
i saw his hands that are pierced, i saw him shedding blood for me- J2 T8 p! _9 A; K1 r
背着十架步履蹒跚 向各各他行走. U1 [6 B, S8 c5 f
with the cross he stumbled to calvary/ O0 ^1 b- S2 J7 A: a
为了赎我他无怨尤 为了救我他来蒙羞$ k3 Z) ~/ d; h; W" c2 g5 t
he never complained about redeeming me, he was put to shame for saving me% E& {. n# \) U4 X; {. G" |, F0 C
讥笑辱骂赤身露体 他默默承受
5 `. J7 A! h8 I7 m  F0 zhe was mocked and abused, (he was) poorly clothed, but he suffered (all these) silently (chorus)" `- }' h& C2 S9 X
他是我的主 为我钉在十架上& E4 o* ]8 E  M% H  j  G4 Y
he is my lord, who was crucified on the cross for me, E' j6 e1 Y+ N( n# P  d
我的罪孽过犯 他全为我担当$ W  I* {! M2 j, e. ]
he took on all my sin
+ w" s+ C6 j$ S& o. `5 {2 X他是我的主 为我钉在十架上& x. E" [7 G* v) {* {! ]
he is my lord, who was crucified on the cross for me
$ S* X5 \% Q; q# _他甘愿舍命 是神所预备的羔羊
5 z4 \6 u! s4 l/ D( |4 n8 khe was willing to sacrifice himself, he is the lamb that god has prepared
6 ~1 x7 j+ r+ s0 J+ x(repeat from the top)  y8 L( q9 L0 C  k$ i% ~
你是我的主 为我钉在十架上+ _; l) M4 y- z) B$ R" |
you are my lord, who was crucified on the cross for me. C$ h, _( ?3 k+ I
我的罪孽过犯 你全为我担当
. ]8 j2 X+ y5 \you took on all my sin! l8 ^9 J7 W, [3 N
你是我的主 为我钉在十架上! K3 {$ i6 \6 M2 \
you are my lord, who was crucified on the cross for me
3 e9 E: G8 x3 b, ~8 ]我甘愿顺服 因你是永远的救主
1 m- ?4 x1 W2 i$ ^* v1 Ni want to submit, coz you're the lord forever
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